cv.斎賀みつきcv.Mitsuki Saiga

The third son of the York family. Shunned by his mother Cecily as a "devil child" during his youth, his heart is shut away from the world, and he frequently sees visions of Joan of Arc, the witch of France. He dearly loves his father Richard, Duke of York, and he wishes more than anyone that Richard take the throne. During their war against Lancaster, he meets a mysterious shepherd who soothes his soul like nothing he's ever experienced. Secretly he is of both the male and female gender, something not even his siblings know of.

cv.緑川 光cv.Hikaru Midorikawa
cv.緑川 光cv.Hikaru Midorikawa

A strange young man Richard encounters in the forest after he is taken by the Lancasters. A self-proclaimed shepherd, he happily relaxes atop a bed of leaves. "Unlike sleeping within a canopy bed, I never have nightmares here."
A young man Richard encounters in the forest after he is taken by the Lancasters. He is actually head of the Lancaster family, which currently makes him King Henry VI of England. A devout Christian, his demeanor is too kind and gentle for life in wartime. Despite his distaste for battle, he challenges York to war, dragged along by his wife Queen Margaret. To Richard, he introduces himself as a shepherd, and they go their separate ways unaware of each other's true identities.

cv.速水 奨cv.Show Hayami

Father to three children. Kind and dignified, he gave his own name to his son Richard, who sees him as "a light shining in the darkness." He resolves to fight alongside the Earl of Warwick to take back the throne from the Lancaster usurpers.

cv.鳥海浩輔cv.Kohsuke Toriumi

The eldest son of the York family, charming all around him with his friendly, optimistic demeanor and striking good looks. Has a weakness for women. During the war against Lancaster, he steps up to act as York's eldest son and deepens his bonds with the Earl of Warwick.

cv.三上 哲cv.Satoshi Mikami

A military advisor to Richard, Duke of York. Following his support of the war against Lancaster, he maneuvers to install Richard's eldest son Edward as monarch, growing deeply involved in the York/Lancaster battle as a kingmaker figure. Has two daughters, Anne and Isabelle.

cv.大原さやかcv.Sayaka Oohara

Wife of King Henry VI and mother of Prince Edward. She looks down at her husband, finding him weak and cowardly for disliking war and lacking the mettle for it; she takes command of the war against York in his place. Their relationship is frigid to the bone.

cv.天﨑滉平cv.Kohei Amasaki

The son of King Henry VI. Introverted and self-centered (unlike his father), but nonetheless hard to dislike. He, too, has a chance encounter with Richard, whom he finds deeply fascinating; the meeting will greatly change his destiny.

cv.鈴代紗弓cv.Sayumi Suzushiro

Eldest daughter of the Earl of Warwick. Quiet and obedient, but a match for any man in hunting and horsemanship. She met Richard at a young age and has a slight fondness for him, but these feelings are thwarted by incontrovertible fate.

cv.真野あゆみcv.Ayumi Mano

Second daughter of the Earl of Warwick. Always eager to take action, much unlike the more docile Anne. The changing circumstances of her father have a great impact on her life as well.

cv.伊藤 静cv.Shizuka Itoh

The woman who enjoys Edward's favor. He fell in love with her after she directly appealed to him to return her late husband's lands to her. However, her true mission is to destroy the House of York and avenge her husband.

cv.久川 綾cv.Aya Hisakawa

The wife of Richard, Duke of York, and the mother of his three children. Calls her youngest boy Richard a "devil child," detesting him as the cause of her misfortunes. Her words and actions bite deeply into Richard's heart.

cv.悠木 碧cv.Aoi Yuki

A French witch executed for cross-dressing. She is said to haunt the woods, frequently appearing before Richard as an apparition and bewitching him with words that seem to look into his heart.