

#4 I’m Afraid I’m Going to Lose the Answers I’ve Gotten and...Everything Else.


脚本:内田裕基 絵コンテ:松根マサト 演出:黒瀬大輔
総作画監督:小森 篤、橋詰 力 作画監督:都築裕佳子、山中いづみ、中山由美、山本雅章、小松香苗

Edward has fallen in love with Elizabeth, a widower and lower-ranked noblewoman who approached him at a party. He meets her in secret on many occasions, disguising their encounters as hunting sessions. One day, as he accompanies Edward, Richard meets Henry, the young shepherd he once met before. Neither know who the other truly is, but they find themselves together after fleeing to a villa to avoid a rainstorm. "I don't care who you are," Henry says. "It's you yourself that I like, after all." Richard responds with stony silence, as the rain continues deep into the night.