

#17 Because God has chosen this bloody demon.


脚本:内田裕基 絵コンテ・演出:黒瀬大輔
総作画監督:橋詰 力、音地正行、谷川亮介
作画監督:山中いづみ、小松香苗、金 正男、香田知樹、スタジオギガ

Hastings and the Queen Mother carry out a plan to disqualify Richard...but it's revealed that Edward V, son of Edward IV and Elizabeth, had no rightful claim to the throne. So Edward V and his brother are imprisoned in the Tower of London. Thus Richard steadily closes in on the throne...but Cecily agitates the people against it, stating "the devil must not be made king!" Faced with throngs of angry citizens, Richard and Buckingham put on the play of the century.